
Hello world!

Mon Oct 09 2023 18:59:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Test... test... test... is this thing working?

So, welcome to this blog thing that I decided to build. In true spirit of "not-invented-here", I've decided to roll my own blogging software instead of using one of the pajillions that are available already.

So what's so special about this one?

Well, for one, it's mine. 😁

I'm also using a few new-to-me tools to build this thing.

I've been wrangling NodeJS applications for many years now, so I wanted to shake it up a bit. So, we're using Bun! And from there, a few other new-to-me choices; htmx, prisma, elysia, lucia, and unocss to name a few.

Thanks for visiting my tiny corner of the internet, hopefully you'll find something of interest to you while you are here.

Mon Oct 09 2023 18:59:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)